PG1 / 60 Strike Gundam GAT-X105 FEDEX


Out of stock

SKU: 40-#6753 Category:


R1131413 PG1/60 ストライクガンダム GAT-X105

B-1 x 1 qty (1 quantity of part #1 from the B runner) 40YEN

Domestic Shipping+Money Order Fee 320YEN

Stamp 84yen

Service Fee 2000YEN

DHL/FedEx 2697YEN

Transaction Fee 303YEN

Once you pay for the order, please allow 3-5 business days for us to mail your order to Bandai Japan.

Once order has been mailed, approximate time for us to receive the parts from Bandai Japan. If the parts are mailed out during the public holidays, please expect delays –> estimate of 4 to 6 weeks turnaround Please expect delays due to the current COVID-19 situation.

Kindly fill out the shipping form on the check out page so we can ship out the part/s once received from Bandai Japan.